September 2020


Open the Windows, Feel the Breeze, and Welcome Natural Ventilation

You’ve seen princesses opening windows in the morning while singing a cheerful song. Lovers open their windows to see their significant other waiting on the sidewalk. Some take a deep breath and put on a Cheshire-Cat smile. It’s time to see these scenes through a different lens. That lens is ventilation. Ventilation is welcoming outdoor […]

Open the Windows, Feel the Breeze, and Welcome Natural Ventilation Read More »


Is it Legal to Use a Residential Property for Your Startup?

People running their startups from home aren’t unheard-of. A lot of employees even have home offices, with the work-from-home setup widely adopted by many employers all around the globe. But if you’re an entrepreneur who plans to start a company from a separate residential property, won’t you be breaking laws? Perhaps you’re considering an investment

Is it Legal to Use a Residential Property for Your Startup? Read More »


The Contracting Business: Self-Employed and Successful

There are many advantages to starting your own business and ...
buying jewelry

Your Guide to Buying Designer Products Online

Designer brands are not known for following e-commerce trends. They ...
woman in dentist

How much does oral health connect to overall health?

Many people don’t realise that there are massive connections between ...
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