June 10, 2021


Keeping Your Rooms Cool During Summer Without an Air Conditioner

For many people, summer means barbecues, pool parties, picnics in the park, and beach volleyball. But it also means uncomfortable days inside the house when the heat gets too much and times when you feel like collapsing from the high temperature. It depends on where you’re located, but most summers these days feel like they

Keeping Your Rooms Cool During Summer Without an Air Conditioner Read More »

relaxing at home

Enjoying Your Home as an Introvert during the Pandemic: What Should You Consider?

Throughout much of our lives, we usually get our energy from different activities that we do. While many extroverts gain energy from interacting with people, some introverts gain their “social” energy from being alone. But in reality, the concept of being an extrovert and introvert is more of a spectrum rather than just two identities. In the

Enjoying Your Home as an Introvert during the Pandemic: What Should You Consider? Read More »

buying fruits and veggies

Health From Head to Toe: Using Shapes as a Guide to Good Health

Achieving excellent health is easier than one might think. With ...
house exterior

Building or Buying a New Home: Factors to Think About

One of the most satisfying feelings is getting the keys ...
suburbs house

Urban Living vs. Rural Living: Which is Better?

We live in a world where we can opt to ...
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