November 2020

employee benefits

Benefits Employers Should Consider Providing (But Not Required)

Often, a job applicant would choose an employer with a better benefits package over another with a higher salary, but meagre benefits. That’s because a generous set of benefits is perceived emotionally, as they indicate how much employers value their employees. Therefore, even if their offer is lower, they can almost always win the highly

Benefits Employers Should Consider Providing (But Not Required) Read More »

construction worker welding on top of a building

Improving the Satisfaction and Happiness of Construction Workers

Construction workers in the U.K. and the U.S. have contrasting ...
a child with epilepsy

Bridging the Gap: Collaborating for Progress in Epilepsy Research

Collaboration between research institutions, clinicians, patients, and advocacy groups can ...

FAQs about legal representation in the UK answered

In the UK, or anywhere else in the world, most ...
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