Making the Most of Summer with Your Kids

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Summer is near, and for kids, this means more time to have fun. For parents, however, it can be both a source of concern and joy. For one, they can spend more time with their children, but it also means the kids have more time to go about their craziness. A good summer experience can immediately go south, so here are a few tips to help you make the most out of your summer.

Make Sure You Have a Schedule

With all the time your kids have during summer, they might end up either spending it all in front of their gadgets or being bored out of their minds. That’s where a schedule can help: it makes sure that they’re not wasting their time away, and it helps keep them busy. Of course, you don’t have to be super strict with the schedule, but it’s best to have one. Having a consistent sleeping schedule practices their routine-setting and discipline, and it keeps them healthy. Of course, there will be days when you might stay up late but make these moments special enough to be the exception.

Be One Step Ahead

As a parent, it helps to wake up before the rest of the family so you can have a few minutes of quiet time. Especially if you have toddlers, this might be the only moment you can catch some quiet time for yourself. The short fifteen to thirty minutes all to yourself can be an opportunity for you to go through the day’s plans, prepare, and just be with yourself while enjoying a cup of coffee. Plus, having run through your plans can make you feel more at ease because you already have an idea of what to expect.

Don’t Give Yourself a Hard Time


Planning your whole summer with your kids doesn’t have to mean detailing every single activity you want to do with the family. You don’t need an itinerary for every single day of the week, and you shouldn’t stress yourself over everything. Life is all about enjoying the small stuff, so don’t sweat it.

If something doesn’t go according to plan, roll with it and make the most out of it. It can even be a teachable moment for your kids or a reason to wind down amidst a busy schedule. Remember that you plan to have fun and bond with the family, not to run a business. And don’t forget to leave time for your kids. They need time alone as much as you do. Creating an hour-by-hour schedule for them is a one-way ticket to arguments and hurt feelings, so it’s best to respect their desires as well.

Let Them Dress up the Way They Want

If your kids have school uniforms, they’re probably tired of wearing those. Or they might be tired of boring regular clothes in general. It’s summer, and it’s time to enjoy wearing clothes you like and being comfortable. Let your kids wear what they want; this encourages their creativity and helps them express themselves better. Girls’ Liberty dresses are a good choice for a summer getup for the little ladies. Let your little boys wear Hawaiian shirts. Let them play and have fun wearing the clothes they enjoy! Especially now that it’s the season for outdoor parties, you’d want the children to dress comfortably and fashionably.

Turn Your Living Room into a Cinema


Who doesn’t like movie nights? Everyone likes watching movies, so why not make it a family summer activity? It’s the best time to show classic Disney movies to your children, or maybe even watch the latest installment in your kids’ favorite movie franchise. Watching a movie together makes for great bonding moments and creates a shared memory for your whole family. Make it really like a cinema, too—turn off the lights, sit comfortably on your sofa, and have popcorn and soda ready.

Practice Gratitude and Mindfulness at the End of the Day

Many parenting tips suggest that teaching children gratitude and mindfulness can help them develop their emotional maturity. In modern times, we want to raise children who are aware of their feelings, able to confront their emotional distress, and able to express what they are feeling without resorting to negativity. The same goes for parents as well; make time at the end of the day to be thankful for the things you have and enjoy.

Summer is a special season for many people. You can also make it so for your family, especially after following these tips. But of course, don’t forget to add love to make sure your summer as a family is unforgettable.

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