How Your Home Can Be Triggering Your Allergies

woman with allergies

Although our house is our respite from the stresses of the outside world, it can still be a cause for concern. Especially for those with allergies and asthma, the house can be rife with triggers and allergens. Controlling asthma or allergies always begins within the family. Parents may prevent their kids from going out, especially when pollen is high, but other triggers lurk at home. From dust to pet dander to even insects and dust mites, these are all dangerous triggers that need addressing.

Common Causes

There are many potential causes, and here’s a quick list to help you narrow it down.

Allergens Are in the Air. There’s a wide variety of microscopic particles that can trigger allergies. They range from mold spores to pollen, from fabric to mites, or even sawdust, especially in homes with a lot of older wood furniture.

Your Pet’s Fur Is Everywhere. A usual cause for allergic reaction is when your furry friends are shedding. Those with asthma may have allergic reactions to the fine fur that can circulate in the air. This goes for both cat and dog owners. While some people think that dogs are more hypoallergenic than cats, there is still no guarantee.

Maybe It’s Not Your Pets’ Fur. Or it might not even be your pet’s fur. Dander is another common cause of allergies around the house. The proteins usually found in skin cells, urine, or saliva of our pets can trigger a runny nose, sneezing, or even hay fever.

Ventilation Problems. While ventilation itself might not be the problem, it can exacerbate any preexisting allergies. Inadequate home ventilation can lead to air being trapped, preventing it from circulating. The air then becomes stagnant, too stale for human biological requirements. With the air being trapped, the allergens and contaminants float about in the air without any way to escape.

Mold Spores and Dust Mites. When your house is particularly humid, it can trigger mold spores and dust mites to develop. Both like humid areas, especially ones with lots of nooks and corners to hide in.

man having allergic reaction while working

Simple Solutions

Sometimes, even simple solutions go a long way. Here are a few to help you get started.

Deep Clean Your House. Make sure to deep-clean your house. This includes getting to surfaces that can hold dust and many other microscopic particles that can trigger allergies. Schedule a dryer vent cleaning, HVAC maintenance, or whatever it is you need to make sure everything’s been sifted through.

Clean Frequently. After deep cleaning your house, you can then take preventive measures to stop allergies from being triggered. Vacuuming as often as you can help a lot. You can make it every other day or even once a day. Before you think that’s too much work, if you vacuum frequently, you won’t have to clean as deep or as extensively when compared to deep cleaning. Your house is maintained dust and allergen-free leading to a much better experience.

Create Pet-free Zones. We may love our pets and want to be with them all the time, but to stay healthy, it’s best to create areas where our pets are off-limits. These areas can be the bedroom, the kitchen, or any place where you want to rest. Even rooms with bad room circulation should be pet-free, as the fur and dander will most likely be kept inside. It’s also a good idea to regularly bathe your pets to ensure that they won’t have excess fur or that they’re always clean and free of contaminants they may have brought from outside.

Reduce Triggering Materials. Old, frayed fabric can turn into allergens when they become microscopic enough to mix with the air. By reducing items made of these materials around your house, you’re also reducing the allergens. Consider changing the upholstery of your sofa to something cloth-free. Another alternative is to constantly change your linens. A weekly change of curtains, bedsheets, and pillowcases can help a lot.

Pinpoint the Source. Of course, it’s best to visit a health professional to know what it is you’re allergic to. Knowing what triggers your allergies will help you find it and remove it from your house entirely. Once you’ve pinpointed where the source is coming from, you can take measures to address it.

Being allergic to your own home can be quite a chore. But making sure that your house is allergen-free is very much worth the effort. Our home should be a relaxing place where we can rest, and making sure it’s allergen-free is a critical factor in our comfort.

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