Five Ways to Enhance Your Garage

open garage

Are you one of the many people who decluttered their homes while sheltering in place? Like many people, you mostly organized your bedrooms, kitchens, and living rooms. You might’ve overlooked one place that could be very beneficial to your current situation: the garage.

Most of us hardly think of the garage when we start redecorating and decluttering our homes. After all, it’s where we store things that we can’t seem to let go of. But now that most of the activities we will be doing—working and schooling—will be done from home, consider the possibilities of having an upgraded, well-organized garage.

1. Begin with Proper Insulation

Perhaps you never thought of your garage as anything more than a place to store unwanted items. Put in the proper insulation, and you might change your mind. You’ve already insulated the rest of your home, so why not do the same for your garage? This would allow you to work in your garage all-year-round and cost you less money as insulation is a proven method for energy efficiency.

2. Work on Your Garage Floor

Once you’ve got your insulation put in, turn your attention to your garage floor. Consider the perfect type of flooring for your purposes. Concrete is the usual type used for flooring. If that’s what you have now, you can easily update it with a coating of epoxy or paint, depending on how much use you expect to get out of your garage. Other types include rubber, vinyl, or even carpet. Check out your options and see what works best for you.

3. Have Enough Storage Space

garage interior

We can’t stress this enough. Go nut with your storage space! The most basic form of storage space for garages include shelving units or cabinets where you can easily lock away items cluttering your home. However, instead of locking them away, why not look through them again and decide which ones you need and which ones you can let go of? You’ll never know what you will find, and you might end up doing a virtual garage sale and earning some extra cash on the side.

Once you’ve identified all your “to-keep” items, separate them into categories and consider setting up different zones in your garage. One area could be for bike-related stuff only while another could be for storing car accessories and chemicals. This way, even when you accumulate more stuff, you can easily keep them with similar items.

4. Give Your Garage Door a Fresh Coat of Paint

Let’s not forget your garage door. After all, it could add to your immediate curb appeal and value to your home in the long run. Before anything else, make sure you properly prepare your garage door to receive a fresh coat of paint. This could entail a bit of scrubbing and some degreaser, but prepping your garage doors this way would make sure that the paint adheres to the surface better.

5. Invest in a Car Lift

Want to look cool and impress your neighbors at the same time? Consider investing in a car lift. This could potentially accomplish two things. One, if you have one garage and two cars, you can easily store both cars inside the garage. Two, if you’re planning on using the garage as a work area, you can easily do that with a car lift and foldable workspaces.

Your garage might be the last thing on your mind when thinking of home renovations and updates. However, putting it at the top of your list will be beneficial as you gain an extra room while we navigate our way in this new normal.

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