Different Ways of Improving Your Smile at the Dentist


Thanks to advances in dental technology there are many different ways in which you can improve the appearance of your teeth. If you have been hiding your smile behind your hands or find yourself closing your mouth for photographs then you are not alone. A recent study carried out in 2018  found that half of Britons are unhappy about their teeth and that the majority of people feel a certain degree of self-consciousness with regard to the aesthetics of their smile. In the last few decades more people than ever have decided to address the  appearance of their teeth. If you would like to find out more about cosmetic dentistry and learn how it not only improves the aesthetics of your smile, but also helps promote better oral health, then speak to your private dentist in Nottingham today and find out about the different treatment options which are available for you.

Your dentist will want to carry out a comprehensive examination of your teeth and gums to make sure that they are clean and healthy and that cosmetic dentistry will benefit you and not cause or exacerbate any dental issues. If your dentist feels that there are some problems which need addressing, then this should be carried out before any cosmetic dentistry is begun, to make sure that you get the most out of your treatment.

Teeth whitening

Yellow teeth, staining and discolouration are some of the most commonly addressed issues using cosmetic dentistry. By speaking to your dental professional you can find out about home treatment kits which can be prescribed by them, that you can take away and carry out in the comfort of your own home to enable gradual whitening of your teeth. If you are looking for immediate results then you may like to speak to your dentist to find out about teeth whitening methods which are carried out at the dental practice by the dentist using hydrogen peroxide solutions and gels which work as bleaching agents to help create a stunning white smile for you.

beautiful smile


If you are looking to create a significant or dramatic change to the appearance of your teeth then you may like to consider dental veneers to transform your smile completely. Veneers are thin porcelain shells which are attached to the surfaces of your teeth using specialised techniques which help mask all of your imperfections, so that you are left with a brand new smile.

Dental braces

If you have a clean and healthy mouth, but you are unhappy with the alignment of your teeth, you may want to speak to your dentist and find out about orthodontic treatment or invisible orthodontics to help improve their alignment and promote better oral health at the same time. If you are reluctant about considering dental braces then you can speak to your dentist and find out about invisible methods of correcting misalignment issues of your teeth such as clear braces and aligners.

Speak to your dentist today and find out more about the different ways in which you can address the aesthetic issues of your teeth, so that you can smile happily and confidently very soon.

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