Common Dental Procedures You Might Experience in Life

woman at her dentist

Going to the dentist already has a bit of taboo written all over it. People feel anxious and unprepared even if they are sure that the procedure might be simple. A study by Dental Phobia Statistics revealed that a whopping 75% of people experience dental anxiety. Still, going to the dentist is one of the most vital tasks to maintain a healthy set of teeth and gums.

Dental hygiene habits, like flossing, brushing, and mouthwash, might not be enough to keep your mouth healthy. Regular visits to the dentist can help you prevent or maintain any dental issues, such as cavities and gum disease. They will help clean and check for any dental decay or infection signs.

Still, you might feel more confident going to the dentist when you know what procedures you might experience. Here are some standard dental procedures that you may need in your lifetime.


It is not uncommon to see children and adults wearing braces, especially when they have misaligned teeth. Orthodontic braces work by slowly and gently pushing your teeth into their proper alignment, which can help improve the overall look of your face and smile. Braces typically take one to three years to straighten out the teeth completely.

Misaligned teeth are not uncommon. An American Association of Orthodontists study revealed that over four million people in the United States wear braces to correct this issue.

If you have braces, expect to visit the dentist every four to eight weeks for routine checkups and adjustments. Even if you take the braces off, you might still need to visit the dentist for a retainer or other appliances to help maintain your teeth’ alignment.

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A person with toothache because of wisdom tooth

Wisdom tooth extraction is a standard dental procedure that people of all ages may need. People typically need wisdom teeth removed because their mouths are too small to fit their additional molars. A study by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons showed that up to 85% of adults in the United States would have at least one impacted wisdom tooth, which means they won’t be able to erupt correctly.

When this happens, the impacted wisdom tooth can cause crowding or misalignment in other teeth, leading to an increased risk for decay and gum disease. Impacted wisdom teeth also tend to pressure nearby teeth and cause pain in the surrounding area. Some people also experience sinus discomfort due to impacted wisdom teeth.

Having your wisdom teeth removed by a dental professional is often the best way to prevent any potential problems from happening. During the extraction process, your dentist will make a small incision in your gums, remove any bone blocking access to the tooth, and then carefully extract it with forceps or other specialized tools. Afterward, you may need stitches to close up any incisions during the surgery.

It’s important to note that recovery times vary depending on how difficult it is for your dentist to extract the tooth. Most people take anywhere from 1-3 days before they feel back up and running again after getting their wisdom tooth extracted. Still, some people may take longer than others, depending on how complicated it was for their dentist to remove it and how well they follow post-operative instructions given by their dentist.

Lost Tooth Replacement

Your teeth might be perfectly healthy, but it only takes one accident to dislodge or break a tooth. If you experience any trauma that causes your tooth to come out, it’s important to seek dental care immediately so they can try and save the natural tooth if possible.

If the affected tooth is too damaged, your dentist might recommend replacing it with an artificial one. Several options for lost tooth replacement are available, such as a bridge, denture, or dental implant.

A bridge is likely the most common option for lost teeth replacement since it involves attaching an artificial tooth (or crown) in place of the missing one and bridging it between two existing teeth on either side of the gap. Dental implants are another popular choice since they provide a secure fit and closely mimic natural teeth. The implant is surgically placed in the jawbone, and a crown is put on top to complete the restoration.

Finally, dentures are an option if you’re missing multiple teeth. Dentures are removable prosthetics that entirely replace several or all of your teeth. They feature artificial replacements for the missing natural teeth and a flesh-colored base for support. It may take some time to get used to wearing dentures since they can cause slight discomfort due to their changes in shape and size with wear over time.

Final Thoughts

Dentists perform various procedures to help maintain oral health and repair any damage caused by trauma or decay. Standard dental procedures you may experience include braces, wisdom tooth extraction, and lost tooth replacement. When it comes to receiving the care you need, it’s best to consult a qualified dentist to ensure you get the best possible treatment for your circumstances.

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