Combating Snoring: What to Consider Doing

A person with snoring issues
  • Snoring is linked to several physical and mental health issues.
  • Common causes of snoring include nasal congestion, weight gain, smoking, and alcohol consumption.
  • Treatments for snoring involve changing sleeping positions, exercising more regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, using mouth appliances, and utilizing CPAP machines.
  • Lifestyle changes can help reduce the frequency or intensity of snoring and improve overall health.

Snoring can significantly disrupt those who suffer from it and their bed partners. But it’s more than just an annoying habit – it’s also associated with severe physical and mental health issues.

According to the Mayo Clinic, snoring has been linked to several health problems, including sleep apnea, heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. It’s also thought to be a risk factor for depression and anxiety.

Research published in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that people who reported snoring around three or more nights per week were more likely to report depressive symptoms than those who did not snore. The study found that snorers had higher scores on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) scale than non-snorers.

A study by researchers at the University of Wisconsin showed that women who snored had about twice the risk of developing coronary heart disease compared to those who did not snore. Other research published in the journal Respirology concluded that habitual snoring is strongly associated with an increased risk of stroke after adjusting for other factors such as age and BMI.

If you suspect you are snoring, you might want to find ways to ensure you can fix it. Here are a few things to consider:

Consult a Doctor

Consulting a doctor forsnoring problems

Snoring is more than just an annoying habit; it can indicate an underlying health issue or medical disorder that should be addressed. Consulting a doctor for snoring can help you identify any underlying causes and better understand your overall health. A doctor can also advise on treatments or lifestyle changes that may help reduce the frequency and intensity of snoring.

Various factors can cause snoring, and understanding the underlying causes can help people manage it more effectively. Here are a few common reasons:

Nasal Congestion and Obstruction

Nasal congestion or blockage can contribute to snoring, as it narrows the air passage in the nose, causing air to be forced through with more significant pressure. This leads to vibrations in the throat that result in snoring. Allergies, colds, and sinus infections can all cause nasal congestion and should be treated with medication if necessary.

Weight Gain or Obesity

Being overweight is often associated with increased snoring, as extra fat tissue around the neck puts pressure on your airways and reduces airflow. Weight loss is recommended for those who snore due to obesity or weight gain.


Smoking cigarettes has been linked to snoring, as smoke irritates the tissue in your throat. This irritation causes swelling, leading to snoring when combined with mucus buildup from smoking. Quitting smoking may help reduce snoring for those who suffer from it due to this habit.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption relaxes the muscles throughout the body, including those in your throat, making them less able to hold themselves open while sleeping; this leads to snoring. Cutting back on alcohol consumption before bedtime can decrease or eliminate symptoms of snoring for many people.

Fix Sleeping Positions

Sleeping posture and positions may also be an essential factor when reducing snoring. When sleeping on your back, the base of your tongue can relax and slip into the back of your throat, which can cause airway obstruction, leading to snoring. It is recommended that people who suffer from snoring sleep on their side instead. This helps keep the airways open and can help prevent snoring.

A good sleep posture can also ensure the head is comfortable, promoting better airflow. This helps relax muscles in the neck and chest, allowing for improved breathing during sleep. Pillows or pillows with adjustable heights may be helpful in properly aligning the spine so that airways remain open while sleeping.

In addition to changing sleeping positions, taking other steps like exercise and maintaining a healthy weight is essential to reduce snoring symptoms. Studies have shown that regular exercise can help reduce muscle tension in the upper body, helping to minimize episodes of snoring or making them less intense. Weight loss has also been linked with less severe snoring symptoms due to decreased fat tissue around the neck area and improved overall respiratory system health.

Utilize Mouth Appliances

Utilizing a snoring appliance

Finally, snorers can also consider using an EMA oral appliance to reduce snoring. These devices are designed to fit over the upper and lower teeth and help keep airways open. They push the jaw down and forward, allowing for better breathing while you sleep. This can help reduce snoring significantly or even eliminate it for some people.

Another option is a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) machine, which delivers air pressure through a mask covering the nose and mouth. This helps reduce snoring by keeping the airways open while you sleep.

Final Thoughts

Snoring can be disruptive and annoying for those who suffer from it, but it is also associated with various health risks. Identifying your underlying causes of snoring and lifestyle changes can improve your quality of life and overall health.

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