3 Ways to Make Bountiful Living More Affordable

bountiful utah

Bountiful, Utah has a quiet charm that makes it attractive to young families. Located only forty miles of Salt Lake City, it is home to a growing population currently living in planned communities.

As a midsized city, it offers various entertainment and experiences to its residents while retaining a small-town feel. It also boasts excellent-quality schools, safe neighborhoods, many local restaurants, and plenty of outdoor spaces for families, like the sprawling Mueller Park Trailhead.

But Bountiful can also be expensive. According to Best Places, this town in Davis has a cost of living index of 112.6, which means it is pricier than living in other areas in the United States. It can also be costlier in some aspects than the rest of Utah, including Salt Lake City.

How do you then make the most of your income here? Here are three ways to squeeze every dollar your family makes:

1. Reduce Energy Costs

The typical electric bill in Bountiful is slightly higher than that of Salt Lake City but lower than the national average. Many families here pay around $137 per month. But you may still lower the numbers by making the home more energy-efficient.

First, look into the appliances. A refrigerator, for example, can already cost a household about $78 based on average use. Dryers can be just as expensive at $104.

However, they can consume more electricity if they are defective. Dryers can collect lint that may require it to require more heating to push hot air into the machine. Refrigerators may have damaged coolants, so it will take a longer time to chill food (not to mention spoil produce).

If something is wrong with any of your household devices, call for appliance repair right away. Otherwise, let the same team conduct inspections and maintenance.

Note, though, that you may need to replace older appliances in favor of energy-efficient ones. They might cost slightly more; they also consume less electricity. Energy Star-rated appliances may help your home save as much as 50 percent on utilities.

2. Grow Your Food or Shop in Salt Lake City

salt lake city

The cost of groceries in Bountiful is slightly higher than in Salt Lake City but is lower than the national average. If you want to save money on food, you have two choices: grow your food or shop at Salt Lake City.

Many houses in Utah don’t have big yard spaces, but you also don’t need a lot to start growing food. Experts suggest allotting only 200 square feet for every family member, and you can already harvest for everyone all year round.

Many plants also grow well in Utah. These include tomatoes, zucchinis, snap peas, mustard greens, and lettuce. Lettuce, in particular, can already germinate in less than 2 weeks. You may already harvest them in a month.

While waiting for your plants to grow, you can consider shopping in Salt Lake City, where the costs of food products are lower. Although you will be spending on gas, transportation costs are significantly cheaper in Bountiful. The commute time is also less than 20 minutes through I-15 S.

3. Make Some Rooms Available for Leasing

Houses in Utah are large. Their average size is over 2,300 square feet, while the typical number of rooms is four. However, the average size of a family is 3. This means that a family can spare one room for rent.

Of course, this is still subject to certain terms and conditions. If you’re living in a designed community, you may need to ask permission from the housing association. You also need to comply with the guidelines on how to be a landlord.

However, if you succeed, you may earn at least $500 per month. You may also divide your property and create a separate house for rent. Now, the new space may command a much higher price. Many rented properties in Bountiful charge between $1,000 and $1,500 a month.

If you don’t want to convert any of the rooms for leasing but have extra space in your yard, you can take advantage of a 2019 ordinance that allows families to build an accessory dwelling unit (ADU). These spaces may refer to granny flats, tiny houses, and livable sheds and cabins.

The cost of living in Bountiful may be higher than in other cities in the United States or Utah, but as you can see on the list, you can always find a way to make it more affordable. In the end, the quiet, safe life your family can enjoy here may be worth every penny you spend.

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