Cooling Down When You’re Stuck At Home

Let’s face it; while many of us dreamed of going to the beach at this time of year, getting together with friends, and cracking open a cold one as we all watch the sunset, most people are still stuck at home because not everyone’s had the luxury of getting their vaccination shot just yet. So, despite all our wishes and outright demands to go on a road trip to finally release all that pent-up stress these past few months, we’re looking at a timetable telling us our homebody lifestyle will be extended.

However, we think many people are misinformed when they approach the stay-at-home lifestyle with such a negative outlook because it’s not impossible to have fun and cool down the summer heat even if you’re just indoors for the most part. And so, today, we’ll be going over our recommended chill pill activities to keep you, your friends, and your family preoccupied and having a blast even if you have to hold those itineraries and planned destinations for an indefinite postponement.

#1 Turn The Kitchen Into A Wishful Paradise

A kitchen is a wonderful place for cooking meals and having fun. Still, in recent times, many of us have forsaken a good homecooked meal for the option of ordering our food and having the nearest restaurant prepare dinner for us. So, if you’re looking for something fun to do this summer, then we strongly recommend brushing up on your recipes and turning the space into a wishful paradise.

  • Make Your Own Ice Cream: Nothing screams “cool down” better than ice cream, but if you want to take it up a notch, there’s no ice cream better than the one you’ve made yourself! The ingredients are actually very easy to get and almost always available at the nearest grocery store, and you might be pleasantly surprised to find out you have quite the gift for making frozen treats. Just try not to overindulge in ice cream because you might get a bad brain freeze or need a quick dentist appointment.
  • Bring Friends Over For A Fancy Dinner: Of course, nothing is stopping you from inviting friends over and treating them to a fancy dinner on a lovely summer night. It lets you have a bit of fun and is a low-key flex about the cooking skills you’ve managed to refine during your free time. Plus, it’s perfectly safe, and you get to enjoy good food.

#2 Spend The Night In Your Backyard

backyard camping

Not everybody’s a big fan of cooking, and we get that, but if you’re the type that enjoys the outdoors, why not spend the night in your backyard instead! It’s a great way to break from the monotonous cycle of rolling back into bed every single night; plus, the summer night coolness is more than enough to replace any form of air conditioning. Just remember to clean up both before and after any backyard activities.

  • Try Camping Out And Stargazing: A lot of backyards make perfect campgrounds with enough space, and if your backyard fits all the requirements, we strongly recommend camping out and stargazing as a summer weekend getaway. Sure, we know that it might sound a bit childish for some people, but you’ll be surprised at how fun it can actually be. And with a couple of friends over and a small fire to make smores, it already counts as a small party.
  • Install An Inflatable Pool For The Weekend: Going to the beach isn’t an option for everybody, so instead of having to go elsewhere, why not install your own inflatable pool for the weekend? Of course, there won’t be any long expanse of sand, and we cannot guarantee the same beautiful views, but with a big enough pool, you can surely chill from the afternoon and well into the night. So, if this interests you, you might want to step up your workout game to get your body goals sooner.

#3 Crank The AC To Max And Start A Movie Marathon

Last but not least, if you don’t mind not doing anything extravagant for summer and are perfectly fine with the way things are progressing on your end, then cranking the AC to the max. At the same time, you start a movie marathon is perfectly acceptable by anyone’s standards. No one gets to decide how you choose to take a chill pill when the heat goes off, so do what you enjoy and catch up on all the Netflix series and films that have been on your watchlist for the longest time now. Fair warning, though, that too much AC could crack up your skin in all the wrong places, so don’t slack of on your skincare while you’re at it.

Summer Doesn’t Have To Be Dull Just ‘Cause You’re At Home.

Summer should be a time of fun, and just because you’re stuck at home doesn’t mean the fun is somehow null and void all of a sudden. Instead, understand that staying indoors still has plenty of activities to offer, and you might just be afflicted with tunnel vision by focusing too much on stuff that requires you to go outside.

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