Lifestyle Habits That Are Ruining Your Mental Health


Admit it or not, we all have lifestyle habits that are considered unhealthy. Some are guilty of indulging in bad eating habits. There are people who sleep too much or too little while others have their own vices. On the other hand, some are into too much exercise while others don’t exercise at all.

If your goal this year is to improve not only your physical health but also your mental health, know that you are in the right place. In this article, we are going to talk about some lifestyle habits that are actually doing more damage than good to your mental health.

Gadget Overuse


Some people have no choice but to use their smartphones and computers for hours at a time. This can include people who work in offices or paid gamers. But for most of us who make use of gadgets for entertainment and whatnot, we are not doing our mental health any good for our mindless gadget use.

Overusing gadgets, like smartphones, for example, can be very rewarding. We get to enjoy its many features, which include access to games, social media, the internet, and different communication apps. But according to a study, excessive use of this can lead to poor self-esteem and increased risk for anxiety and depression.


Some people tend to be perfectionists. They want everything to go on their way. They feel happy and accomplished when they see things to be perfect.

The problem with perfectionism is that in reality, nothing is actually perfect. Perfectionism stops you from growing, experiencing, and learning. You can miss many opportunities simply because you wanted everything to be “perfect”.

You could be managing a home renovation and go on hiring the best contractor for your home remodeling. But because of your perfectionist tendency, you end up feeling stressed and anxious. Studies support the statement that perfectionism leads to mental health issues.

Toxic Positivity

We are often told that keeping a positive mindset helps improve our health. But we should also give ourselves a break by sharing our real feelings. During difficult times, it helps that we share genuine emotions instead of simply burying our feelings.

Positivity becomes toxic when we silence negative thinking and emotions. Know that positive thinking is about focusing on the perks of having an optimistic outlook. Toxic positivity, on the other hand, demands that you stay positive at all times, no matter the situation by silencing your true feelings.


There are times when we second guess the decisions we make, the things we said, and the thoughts we have. We often second-guess because we think that there is always a right and wrong way of doing things. Always second-guessing makes you doubt yourself and your ability to make sound decisions.

Second-guessing can come from one’s fear of failure. They may feel like they are not doing enough, not thinking right, or being mindless when making decisions. This can lead to insecurity, lowered self-confidence, and anxiety.


Procrastinating can make you feel good and in control. This is especially true when you are able to delay tasks that have a deadline. But while procrastination gives you that sense of control, this can actually make you feel more stressed than ever.

Procrastination can make you overthink the possible consequences of you putting off important tasks. You could be working in an office that has deadlines at the end of the month. While procrastinating can help you reduce your stress levels for three weeks, your stress can be three times higher once you start cramming to finish your report.

Embracing Toxic Relationships

We all have that tendency to keep a connection or two that does nothing but stress you out. This can be a family member who always makes you feel little or incapable of doing anything good. You can have a boss who always has something bad to say at your work even if others recognize you for doing a great job.

You may have that colleague who always starts the hottest gossip in the workplace. There can be that one neighbor that always pisses you off. Or, your own partner could be a very bad influence in your life which is what stops you from being healthy, happy, or successful.

Maintaining toxic relationships can be bad for your mental health. You can end up feeling anxious, depressed, and feeling burned out. You will find it hard to reach your full potential and experience true happiness, health, and peace of mind if you tend to maintain toxic people in your life.

It is time to reevaluate yourself and your habits if you want to change for the better. If you are guilty of the habits listed above, then consider making the change. One can only experience true happiness, better mental health, and success when we embrace the right habits.

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